Traditional Section 6 Grants

Eligible applicants include State, County, non-profit, or private organizations that seek to increase the viability and sustainability of ESA listed and candidate species in Nevada.

More than half of all species listed as endangered or threatened spend at least part of their life cycle on non-federal lands. The USFWS and NDF recognize that success in conserving species requires working cooperatively with local communities to foster voluntary stewardship efforts on non-federal lands. Tools are available under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) to help States and landowners plan and implement projects to conserve species. This program offers Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Funds for:

  • Introduction of species into suitable habitats within their historic range
  • Enhancement or restoration of habitat
  • Surveys and inventories of habitats
  • Species status surveys
  • Propagation of animals and plants
  • Research such as genetic analysis to determine genetic health and population structure
  • Public education and outreach tools such as website development or coordination workshops with local landowners to address a specific threat to a species
  • Monitoring of candidate, at-risk and recently recovered species
  • Other qualifying activities

Grant applications using the Application Template listed below must include 25% non-federal in-kind or cash match. Grant applications must be provided to NDF no later than 5/17/2024 at 5 pm PST (earlier indication of intent to submit needs to occur so that NDF can honor the requirement that NDF confer with the USFWS before submittal; NDF is available to cooperators to provide solicitation review and suggested edits).

Application Materials

Application Form