GIS Services
The Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) uses geospatial data and associated technologies to support its mission of providing professional natural resource and wildland fire management services to Nevada’s citizens and visitors, as well as assisting other agencies, land managers, and GIS Professionals in meeting their goals. NDF strives to keep public data easily accessible and up-to-date, as well as utilize critical geospatial technologies and applications.
Nevada Natural Resources and Fire Information Portal (NNRFIP)
The Nevada Natural Resources and Fire Information Portal (NNRFIP) provides wildfire risk information and natural resources data for the entire state of Nevada. This mapping tool produces user-friendly outputs that are formatted to aid project planning and information sharing for all state, federal, local, and private land holders across Nevada.
Natural Resource and Fire Information Portal (Link)
Open Data Hub
The Open Data Hub is a centralized location for the public and NDF staff to access geospatial data, documents, and web applications. Besides searching for public data, the Open Data Hub can be used to find additional GIS, forestry, and wildfire resources. To view data and resources related to wildfire risk, please visit the Nevada Natural Resources and Fire Informational Portal.