Natural Resource Management

The Nevada Division of Forestry provides technical natural resource management and planning expertise to accomplish the vegetation, wildfire fuels, and habitat management portions of the NDF mission while also administering permitting and compliance enforcement specified in Nevada Revised Statutes 472, 527, and 528.

  • Conservation Planning

    Good stewardship begins with good planning. The Forest Stewardship Program promotes sound stewardship practices through planning, technical advice and financial assistance for eligible landowners.

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  • Conservation Nurseries

    Our State Conservation Nurseries are here to serve your native and adapted tree, shrub, grass and flower needs from large wildland restoration projects to small conservation plantings around your home.

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  • Community Forestry

    If you want to expand or improve your community’s forest or green space, NDF is here to help you make your community cleaner, safer, healthier, energy efficient and prosperous with a healthy urban forest.

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Shared Stewardship

In 2019, interagency partners signed the Nevada Shared Stewardship Agreement, committing state and federal agencies to expand our working relationships, jointly set priorities and implement projects at the appropriate scale, co-manage risk, and share resources...

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Forest Stewardship

Good stewardship begins with good planning. The Forest Stewardship Program promotes sound stewardship practices through planning, technical advice and financial assistance for eligible landowners. Landowners are often faced with complex natural resource and economic issues when managing their property. Forest Stewardship Plans address natural resource concerns and serve...

Aviation Services for Natural Resources

Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) utilizes two Huey helicopters and an Eagle Conversion helicopter and the associated Helitack staff to assist in the implementation of natural resource management projects...

Biomass Utilization & Forest Products

The Nevada Division of Forestry Biomass Program consists of one full time state-wide Coordinator and three regional Resource Management Officers that assist the program, facilities and several pieces of equipment. It is NDF’s goal to maximize statewide utilization of woody biomass, generated as a product of fuel reduction and forest health projects implementation. Traditionally, biomass was used by wood based...

Community Forest & Open Space

The purpose of the program is to establish community forests by protecting forest land from conversion to non-forest uses and provide community benefits such as sustainable forest management, environmental benefits including clean air, water, and wildlife habitat; benefits from forest-based educational programs...

Conservation Education

A primary goal of the Division’s Conservation Education Program is to educate the youth of Nevada in scientifically based natural resource management. Activities include organizing and conducting workshops that train teachers to be Conservation Education facilitators. Facilitators are then used to train youths and adults throughout the state. The objective of the Conservation Education Program is...

Forest Health

The Forest Health Program offers assistance to landowners in the form of education and information on forest insects and diseases and ways of managing them. There is a small amount of cost-share funding available to help treat your forest for these insect and diseases. Nevada’s forests are host to several common pests which plague western forests. Widespread stress to the trees...

Forest Legacy

The Forest Legacy Program (FLP) was established in 1990 to promote the long-term integrity of forestlands. Recognizing that the majority of the Nation’s forestlands are in private ownership, the program purchases forestlands in full fee or perpetual conservation easements...

Nevada Tahoe Resource Team

The Nevada Tahoe Resource Team (NTRT) is an interagency team coordinated by State Lands and dedicated to preserving and enhancing the natural environment in the Lake Tahoe basin. The team consists of eight members; five from State Lands; one from the Division of Forestry...

Permits & Tags

The Nevada Division of Forestry hosts permit and tag information for Christmas tree harvesting, critically endangered species, Yucca/Cactus harvesting, timberland conversion, logging, and wood cutting per Nevada Revised...

Prescribed Fire

Prescribed fire is the controlled application of fire to the land to accomplish specific land management goals. Ignitions may be either human or naturally caused. A controlled fire must be conducted pursuant to a written plan which has been submitted to and authorized by NDF and under direct supervision of at least 1 person who is qualified to oversee such fires and who is qualified...

Regulations for Forest Practices, Timber Lands, Trees & Flora

The Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) are the current codified laws of the State of Nevada. The Statutes of Nevada are a compilation of all legislation passed by the Nevada Legislature during a particular Legislative Session. View information on NRS 527 – Protection and Preservation of Timbered Lands, Trees, and Flora, and NRS 528 - Forest Practices and Reforestation...

Sagebrush Ecosystem

With declines in greater sage-grouse (GRSG) populations in recent decades, the State of Nevada started a Sagebrush Ecosystem Program (SEP) under the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to work toward further conserving sagebrush habitats and addressing their threats. Established in 2013-14, the SEP was made up of a Governor-appointed Sagebrush Ecosystem Council...


The seedbank provides seed collection, purchasing, processing, storage and distribution services to landowners and land managers throughout Nevada. The seedbank also provides specialized equipment necessary to successfully implement seedings as a way to reduce excessive erosion, invasive species...

Nevada Shared Stewardship

Nevada has a long history of partnerships and many examples of working together at the landscape level to address wildland fires, landscape restoration and the wildland urban interface. In 2019, interagency partners signed the Nevada Shared Stewardship Agreement...

State Conservation Nurseries

The State Conservation Nurseries Program was first established in 1957 to provide technical assistance and conservation plant materials – tree seedlings, shrubs, forbs and seed – to meet the conservation needs of Nevada’s private landowners and public land management agencies...

State Forest, Range & Watershed Action Plan

The Nevada Division of Forestry conducts assessments to meet the requirements of Federal programs, including Forest Legacy, Forest Stewardship, and many others. NDF also produces internal reports and products for state programs and resource assessment needs...

Threatened & Endangered Species

Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 527 requires NDF to maintain and hold meetings about the projection and preservation of timbered lands, trees and flora. The economic growth of the State of Nevada has been attended with some serious and unfortunate consequences. Nevada has experienced the extermination or extirpation of some of her native species of flora. Serious losses have occurred...

Urban & Community Forestry

The urban forest contains all the trees and vegetation in a community with all the same functions, interactions and interdependence of components of a native forest. The urban forest is, in fact, an ecosystem. All the plants on all private and public property, animals, streets, sidewalks, utilities, building, soil, water, and most importantly, people are part of the urban forest. Urban forests primarily...

Wildfire Rehabilitation & Restoration

Post-wildfire rehabilitation is the application of procedures and techniques aimed at stabilizing soils and aiding the return of normal hydrologic and biologic functions on a site after wildfire. Fire is a natural process in many of Nevada’s ecosystems...

Highlighted Projects

Western Region
Galena Creek Regional park
The Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) is teaming up with Washoe County Parks and Open Space, the USDA Forest Service, and the Nevada Department of Transportation on a new project at Galena Creek Regional Park. With funding from the USDA Forest Service's Wildfire Crisis Strategy, this effort focuses on reducing wildfire risks, improving forest health, and restoring the park's natural ecosystem.
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Western Region
Spooner Landscape Resilience Project
The Spooner Landscape Resilience Project is a 300-acre environmental improvement initiative, spearheaded by the Nevada Tahoe Resource Team and the Nevada Division of Forestry.
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Western Region
Lot X Fuels Reduction and Forest Restoration Project
The Lot X Fuels Reduction and Forest Reforestation Project was funded through a US Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Grant, to improve forest and riparian health in Lot X...
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