Natural Resource Management

Urban & Community Forestry

The urban forest contains all the trees and vegetation in a community with all the same functions, interactions and interdependence of components of a native forest. The urban forest is, in fact, an ecosystem. All the plants on all private and public property, animals, streets, sidewalks, utilities, building, soil, water, and most importantly, people are part of the urban forest. Urban forests primarily provide services rather than goods and are managed for social values in addition to economic, environmental, and ecological benefits. Trees growing on private lands compose the majority of the urban forests.

Grant Opportunties

View Grant Opportunities - The Urban and Community Forestry Program provides funding to local governments, educational institutions, Native–American tribal governments and non-profit groups for urban forestry projects.

Urban Forestry Programs

The Nevada Division of Forestry Urban and Community Forestry program provides technical assistance to communities around the state including tree selection and tree care programs, assistance with Arbor Day and Tree City USA activities, community forestry inventory, management and planning, and assistance with the development of tree boards and ordinances.

Celebrate Arbor Day - Although communities across the state may declare any day of the year for their Arbor Day, the state of Nevada has established the last Friday of April of each year as Nevada’s Arbor Day per Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 23.018.

Nevada’s Big Tree Program - The Nevada Division of Forestry’s State Big Tree Program is searching for the largest specimen of every native and introduced tree species growing in Nevada. Nevada’s program started in 1992 and the first register listed 70 trees.

Nevada Tree City USA Program - ​The Tree City USA Program recognizes towns and counties across the nation that have implemented successful urban forestry programs. Gaining and retaining Tree City USA recognition is an award a community’s citizens and tree workers can take pride in.

Urban Forestry Web Resources

Busting Forestry Myths - There are topics within urban and community forestry that often get asked about by community members. These include common misconceptions and questions related to prescribed burns, fire preparedness, and proper tree care. The information on this page seeks to provide public resources regarding these issues so that they can be more widely understood.

Nevada Plants - Nevada Plants is a tree planting, advocacy, and education nonprofit, focused on climate resiliency through tree research, on the ground projects and educational programs that help solve food scarcity and other social, environmental, and economic issues in Nevada’s communities.

ReLeaf Reno - ReLEAF Reno is a new City-sponsored program designed to preserve and expand Reno’s urban forest. Today, Reno’s tree canopy is 5.2 percent. That’s not enough. With your help we can achieve our goal to preserve the health of existing trees and expand our urban tree canopy.

The Nevada Shade Tree Council - This organization promotes and increases awareness of proper tree planting and care across the state of Nevada and provides leadership and training in the field of arboriculture. Here you can find information on local tree planting and related events.

Home Landscaping Guide for Lake Tahoe and Vicinity - This is a complete guide to landscape design, drip irrigation systems, designing for defensible space, TRPA recommended Plant list, soils, fertilizer, and the control of weeds and garden pests.

Nevada Cooperative Extension - The University of Nevada, Reno’s Cooperative Extension provides information, programs and training grounded in research to help residents and businesses manage gardens, trees and landscapes.

Trees are Good - Provides the public with educational information about the benefits of trees and how to properly care for trees in the urban environment. The site contains resources from the International Society of Arboriculture, and also provides a collection of reliable tree care information provided by other industry organizations.

International Society of Arboriculture - ISA exists so that professionals, allied professionals, public officials, and consumers worldwide recognize the economic, environmental, and societal benefits and values of trees and their care at a cost that demonstrates the wise stewardship of resources.

Arbor Day Foundation - The Arbor Day Foundation is the largest 501(c)3 nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees. More than 1 million members, supporters, and valued partners have helped us plant more than 350 million trees in neighborhoods, communities, cities, and forests throughout the world to ensure a greener and healthier future for everyone.

Trees for Tomorrow: A Southern Nevada Guide to Tree Selection and Care - A guide to help homeowners select and successfully establish trees. The trees listed in the guide are tolerant of heat, cold and wind, moderately fast growing, adapted local soil conditions, provide good shade, are water efficient, and low-maintenance.

Truckee Meadow Community Tree Coalition - To learn how to properly plant and care for trees, visit the Truckee Meadow Community Tree Coalition website. This site is filled with links to a guide to trees species in the Truckee Meadows, and instructions on tree care and planting. Great site for homeowners, landscape and nursery professionals.

References for Landscape Tree Care

Discrimination Statement

In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs).To file a complaint of discrimination: write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Highlighted Projects

Western Region
Galena Creek Regional park
The Nevada Division of Forestry (NDF) is teaming up with Washoe County Parks and Open Space, the USDA Forest Service, and the Nevada Department of Transportation on a new project at Galena Creek Regional Park. With funding from the USDA Forest Service's Wildfire Crisis Strategy, this effort focuses on reducing wildfire risks, improving forest health, and restoring the park's natural ecosystem.
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Western Region
Spooner Landscape Resilience Project
The Spooner Landscape Resilience Project is a 300-acre environmental improvement initiative, spearheaded by the Nevada Tahoe Resource Team and the Nevada Division of Forestry.
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Western Region
Lot X Fuels Reduction and Forest Restoration Project
The Lot X Fuels Reduction and Forest Reforestation Project was funded through a US Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Grant, to improve forest and riparian health in Lot X...
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