Who We Are
Without doubt, the size, frequency, and severity of wildfires has been increasing throughout the United States, due to a variety of factors associated with climate change, wildfire fuel management practices, and population growth and distribution. Ecosystems, infrastructure, and communities throughout Nevada feel the effects of wildfire, through loss of human life and health, property, habitat, and threats to the quality of life.
However, communities are not entirely powerless against the threat of wildfires. They can become fire adapted and more resilient to wildfire.
Fire adapted community is a concept originally codified in the 2005 Quadrennial Fire and Fuels Review Report. It is now one of the goals of the Nevada and National Cohesive Wildland Fire Strategy, in recognition of the importance of community involvement. A fire adapted community is defined as one that “understands its risk and takes action before, during and after the fire in order for their community to be more resilient to wildfire.”
The heart of a fire adapted community is its members. They are informed and prepared, collaboratively planning, and taking actions to better live with wildland fire.
Fire Adapted Nevada (FAN) is a partnership that encourages and supports communities that want to become and stay fire adapted. It is a multi-jurisdictional program that focuses on fuels reduction, home and community hardening and wildfire prevention throughout Nevada. FAN is overseen by a multi-agency coordinating group that includes the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Forest Service, Living with Fire, and regional and local agency representatives.
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