Defensible Space Inspection Contacts
Defensible space inspections are a critical proactive measure in mitigating the risks associated with wildfires. In regions prone to wildfires, these inspections play a fundamental role in creating a buffer zone around properties, reducing the potential for fire to rapidly advance and minimizing the impact on both lives and valuable assets. You can request an inspection from your local fire agency. If yours is not listed here, please email the Fire Adapted Nevada Coordinator at
Use Living With Fire's Find your Fire Department or District website to locate your fire protection agency. Read about what you can expect during a defensible space inspection and how to prepare, through our partners at Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District.
Carson City
Carson City Fire Department: email
Douglas County
Eastfork Fire Protection District: email
Elko County
Elko County Fire Protection District: call 775-738-9960
Washoe County
City of Reno: email or call 775-334-2300
Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District: email
Sparks Fire Department: email