Funding Opportunities

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Cooperative Forestry & Fire Grants

NDF provides opportunities for partnering organizations and landowners to access funding resources to implement urban and rural natural resources conservation, protection and enhancement needs as identified in Nevada's Forest, Range and Watershed Action Plan. Nevada Division of Forestry receives funds for our programs from the State of Nevada, the U.S. Forest Service, State and Private Forestry (S&PF) branch as well as from other private and non-profit organizations. NDF works to ensure that all funds are invested in locally supported projects that address issues of national, state and local importance and provide meaningful, lasting and measurable outcomes.

Wildfire Grants

All WSFM WUI, HF-CP, CWDG rough draft applications are due by 7/15/2024.

Community Wildfire Defense Grant Program
Wildfire Fuels Reduction Grants (Through Ready, Set, Go!)

Western States Fire Managers & Hazardous Fuel-Community Protection Grants
Federal Excess Property Program & Firefighter Property Program
Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant


Forest Stewardship Grants

Landscape Scale Restoration Grant
Forest Legacy Program Grant
Conservation Education & Outreach Grant


Urban & Community Forestry Grants

Inflation Reduction Act Urban and Community Forestry Grants
Community Forestry Assistance Grants


Forest Health Grants

Nevada Forest Health Landowner Grant


Endangered Plant Conservation Grants

Funds for these programs come from the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for the planning, conservation, disturbance mitigation, research, propagation and management of federally listed or candidate species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). NDF maintains a ESA-Section 6 Agreement with the USFWS which allows NDF to apply for, use, or pass-through grant funds to project proponents to ensure that rare species in Nevada are conserved.

Conservation Grants

Non-Traditional Section 6 Grants
Traditional Section 6 Grants


Other Grants

The grants listed below are managed by agencies and organizations other than NDF and are posted here to increase public awareness of additional funding opportunities that compliment NDF programs and activities.

Additional Funding Sources

SNPLMA Round 19 Nominations
Joint Chiefs’ Landscape Restoration Partnership
NDA Cooperative Weed Management Grant
Regional Conservation Partnership Program
NDEP Non-Point Source Water Pollution Prevention Funding
NFPA Community Wildfire Preparedness Day Grants
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (PDM)